Membership Options

Full Members (MWES)

Open to:
All women working in the fields of engineering, technology (including IT) or science or women with qualifications or backgrounds in these areas who are no longer working within the industry


£60 per annum (concession £30 for unemployed, members on maternity leave and retired members)

Associate Members (AMWES)

Open to:
Male engineers, and men and women who aren’t engineers, technologists, or scientists to support WES. We’re proud of the diversity of our membership and welcome individuals from all backgrounds and areas of expertise. No-one is excluded.


£60 per annum (concession £30 unemployed, members on maternity leave and retired members)

Student / Apprentice

Open to:
Women undergoing approved training leading to a qualification in engineering, technology, or related sciences. Men, or those not studying a STEM subject, should join as an Associate Student Member.

PhD, post grad students, apprentices, year in industry, and industrial placement students should apply as Student Members (or Student Supporters) unless their income is such that they can afford to pay the Full Member subscription in which case they should apply as a Member.


Subscription: £15 per annum


Open to:
Anyone who is interested in the work that WES does.

Becoming a supporter is a great way to stay in touch with WES for free, but doesn’t provide access to any of the individual Membership benefits, voting rights at the WES AGM, or eligibility to join WES boards or working groups.

Supporter Membership grades are:

Supporter, Student Supporter, and Apprentice Supporter


This is our highest grade of membership. Fellowships are awarded to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of engineering or a related sector, to the sustained encouragement of women in STEM, or in service to the Women’s Engineering Society. Fellowships are open to women engineers who are entitled to the post nominal FWES. Associate Fellowships are open to women who are not engineers and men who are entitled to the post nominal AFWES. Our Fellows act as ambassadors for the promotion of improved diversity in engineering. The annual cost of Fellowship is £100 per annum, with a concessionary rate of £50 for unemployed, members on maternity leave and retired members.

How to apply for a Fellowship

  • Please complete the Fellow Application Form. Please download the guidance here. Once submitted your application will be reviewed by the Fellow Review Panel before being approved at the Board of Trustees. The Board meet in January, April, July and November. So you may have to wait up to 3-4 months for a decision depending on when you submit your application.
  • Any queries please email the Membership Manager Tristan Holland (
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