Meet the Climate Emergency Group

Paula McMahon – Climate Emergency Group Chair
Paula is a high profile multi award winning Civil Engineer who advocates for an equitable and sustainable society.
Working for Sir Robert McAlpine she mentors staff working towards professional qualifications and manages the wide reaching and varied social value on the A19 DBFO Project.
In the wider SRM she is also a Co-Chair of the Gender Equality Network and active member of the LGBT+ Affinity Network.
She is an Honorary Professor of Teesside University, an Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Trustee and Head of Professional Conduct and Ethics as well as Women’s Engineering Society (WES) Trustee and Chair of the WES Climate Emergency Group.
She truly believes we need our workforce to represent our society so we can effectively face future challenges sustainably.

Ana Blanco-Alvarez
Ana received a BSc and MSc in Civil Engineering from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Spain and was awarded a Doctoral Degree in 2013 from the same institution. After several years as a postdoctoral researcher working on hydraulic and underground infrastructure, repair and maintenance; and co-founder of a spin-out company, she joined Loughborough University in 2018 where she is now Senior Lecturer in Infrastructure Engineering.
Ana’s research includes advanced and low carbon construction materials, infrastructure repair and maintentance, modern methods of construction and sustainability assessment. She is passionate about supporting early career researchers and professionals.
She is a Chartered Engineer, member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institute of Concrete Technology and the UK Young Academy, and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Vince Pizzoni
Professor in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham, Vince has coached and mentored 1000s spanning the whole career lifecycle from school to university, executive and board level, and made it his mission in life to inspire and mentor future generations into STEM, Engineering and Energy careers.
Vince has 40+ years’ of relevant, global business experience incorporating executive management and board positions in blue chip companies including ExxonMobil, Suez, V. Ships, Nalco and P&G and today manages a portfolio career as a consultant in a boutique energy executive search firm, energy sector career coach to students at several prestigious UK business schools including LBS, Imperial, Oxford, Cambridge and Chicago Booth and holds Trustee/NED/Ambassador positions on several boards.
These include the Women in Engineering Society, Female Leaders in STEM Subjects, POWERful Women, MyBigCareer, a charity providing career guidance to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, FOCUS expatriates and the South Shropshire Multi-Academy Trust.
Vince is also a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of a number of organisations including the Institute of Chemical Engineers, Energy Institute, Women’s Engineering Society and the Chartered Management Institute. He is also a Group Partner of Circklo.

Rebecca Wade
Dr Rebecca Wade is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland. She teaches BEng & MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering, MSc Environmental Management and has created Sustainability upskilling courses for students and the general public. In her teaching she inspires the next generation of civil engineers, to work collaboratively and sustainably to address climate change. In her research she collaborates across disciplines and organisation to deliver multiple benefits from sustainable water and greenspace management (including river restoration, sustainable drainage, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions). She has been named Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Scottish and UK National STEM Ambassador of the year, and was also named Woman of Influence 2022 by Action for Children Scotland. In 2023 she took part in a life-changing voyage to Antarctica, part of the prestigious Homeward Bound International Women in STEMM leadership programme.

Susan Robson
Susan is a strategy and business consultant. She has worked across industries including finance, telecoms, pharma and consumer goods. With an academic background in microbiology and forensics, Susan has worked in energy for over 16 years. Recent projects at National Grid have been rooted in delivering the energy transition, including Carbon Capture and Storage and Electricity Connections.
Susan’s work in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has spanned over 15 years, during which time she has been recognised externally for her leadership in delivering impactful outcomes for women in engineering and business.
The Climate Emergency Group brings together Susan’s talents and passion in a supportive and action-orientated team focussed on supporting delivery of a just transition.