MentorSET is a mentoring scheme run by WES for women in Engineering. Unlike many mentoring schemes, MentorSET offers female and male cross-sector independent mentors from around the UK.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Ricardo PLC WES members can now access MentorSET for free.
Share your expertise with those willing and eager to learn.

A mentor is a guide. A friend. A resource who paves the way to success, and derives satisfaction from helping others succeed. Your role as mentor is to inspire, encourage, and support your mentee, and to contribute to their professional and personal development.
Mentoring provides development opportunities for mentors as well as great personal satisfaction. Being a mentor can improve your leadership skills and enable you to learn from alternative approaches and different ways of thinking. It can be challenging, inspiring and enlightening.
We welcome both male and female mentors. No prior mentoring experience is necessary and you don’t have to be at the top of your profession to be a MentorSET mentor. Mentors should have a degree or equivalent and at least a couple of years working experience in the Science, Engineering or Technical sectors. We would also be delighted to hear from would-be mentors with leadership experience in the science/engineering/technology sector or with coaching backgrounds.

Become a mentor
Find out more about being a mentor
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Become a mentee
Find out more about being a mentee
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Member Login
The Members area is currently under construction. Whilst this is offline if you need any resources please email membership@wes.org.uk